Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mulit-media slideshows including: video, audio, photos & music

Our top-notch slideshows just get better and better. With the latest technology we are now able to incorporate all these forms of media into one product. It's a perfect memento of your wedding or special event.

Of course, we specialize in photography, so you can count on elegant static images. However, Sebastien's past career in France as a sound engineer allows him to also capture audio with discreet, wireless microphones. Then, the newest professional digital cameras also provide high-definition video record between camera clicks with the same piece of equipment. No time wasted switching back and forth!

All of these elements unify together in a slideshow that is sure to refresh your fondest memories and deepest joys for years to come.

Check out a mini-sample from the beautiful wedding of Monica and Christopher Willkomm, October 11, 2009, at La Playa Resort Naples, FL.

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